Dealing with a pregnancy can be challenging for anyone, but it can be especially difficult for a woman finding herself facing an unexpected pregnancy after 40. Much like an unplanned teen pregnancy, women dealing with pregnancy after 40 often find themselves overwhelmed with questions and concerns about their condition.

  • How will the pregnancy impact her health?
  • How will the baby’s father feel?
  • How will a new baby impact any children that she already has?
  • How will a baby impact career and retirement plans?
  • What will it be like to raise a baby at this point in her life?

In many cases, older women facing an unexpected pregnancy already have children and are either married, or in a serious relationship. Sometimes, however, they are recently divorced or single and are faced with the possibility of raising a child on their own.

In either situation, the emotions that a woman over 40 can face when dealing with a pregnancy are complex. She may be dealing with:

Denial – many older women believe that they will not get pregnant
Frustration – even precautions like birth control can sometimes fail
Fear – not knowing how the baby’s father will feel about the news

Symptoms of Pregnancy in Older Women

It’s not uncommon for older women to experience many of the common symptoms of pregnancy and simply believe that they are entering early menopause. Many of the most common pregnancy symptoms mirror the symptoms of menopause and older women who are not trying to conceive may find themselves surprised to learn that they are not going through menopause, but are actually pregnant.

Common symptoms of both menopause and pregnancy in older women are:

  • missed periods
  • mood swings
  • fatigue
  • tender, painful breasts
  • frequent urination or incontinence

Dealing with Pregnancy after 40 and Need Help?

No matter how a woman feels about being pregnant after 40, there are many things she’ll need to consider. How will the baby impact her family, her lifestyle, her finances and her future plans? What are her options?

Sorting through these questions can be difficult, but we are always available to answer your questions at Life Link.